Standing in the Future

Standing in the Future

by Academy co-Founder and Faculty Member, Robert Hanig


Up-close, a significant challenge or aspiration can feel overwhelming and result in procrastination or not taking sufficient action. When you ‘stand’ or visualize yourself in the future however, a greater sense of possibility is generated that builds deeper certainty and commitment leading to sustainable action.

It is always in our best interest to be in connection with our vision. Vision is not simply a memory, but a living and specific awareness of your intention. It is a conscious integration of mind and heart and the best starting point for a complex ambition that requires learning and collaboration. It allows you to utilize all of your talents and capabilities, both explicit and implicit, and opens your awareness to emergent and unexpected resources and support.

When you practice the exercise below, be sure to see your vision as fully compete, if anything were possible and be sure to put yourself in the picture.


(Be in a reflective, relaxed and open state with pad and pen nearby)

You (and your team) have completed or made significant and tangible progress in realizing your vision or meeting your challenge. You are thrilled. You and your team have been asked to describe or tell the story of just how you achieved your goals. See your vision as fully complete, if anything were possible, and put yourself in the picture.

Answer as many of the following questions as possible or that make sense:

  • What were the milestones that were met throughout the year?
  • What obstacles were overcome and unanticipated problems were resolved?
  • What enabled you to be successful?
  • What were the specific factors that were crucial to your success (tangible and intangible)?
  • What did you need to learn along the way about yourself, working with others and how to influence the larger system?
  • Who did you look to for support?
  • What enabled you to accomplish this as a team?
  • How did you know you were on track/off track?
  • How often did you monitor your progress?
  • How does it feel to be successful?
  • Are you surprised that you made it? If not, why/ why not?
  • What advice would you give to someone considering taking on a similar challenge?
  • How are you going to celebrate?


Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

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