Donate Now

Donate through your checking or savings account!

You can now sign up for a one-time or recurring donation directly from your checking or savings account. You don’t need to send a check. By filling out the Authorization Agreement form, you authorize us to withdraw the donation amount electronically at no cost to you or the Academy. This is a good way to keep our fundraising costs down so that we can make the most of your dollars.

As an Academy Sustaining Donor you can set up monthly, quarterly or annual contributions that draw automatically from your checking or savings account. Making a recurring gift is a simple way to sustain our work and send a strong message of support. Being able to count on your monthly gift of any amount helps us to reduce our overhead costs, save resources, and plan our upcoming projects. Plus, it’s easy–after your first gift, your monthly contributions are made automatically until you decide to stop them. To change any amount, other information, or to stop the payments please send a new Authorization Agreement form with the updated information. All Authorization Agreements will be processed within two weeks upon receipt.

For any questions, please email: